Saturday 19 September 2015

10 Facts About The Human That Will Blow Your Mind


Humans are arguably the greatest of all species on planet earth and they have evolved is time, from our origin to the present day we have grown in intelligence marvelously, taking a good look of how we began. We stumbled upon some FACTS about the human existence and brought then together for you.

01 - ORIGIN:

It is an ordinary day on the planet Earth, well on one side at least, and at the break of dawn the planet's inhabitants spring to life, the species of the earth has a natural ranking system it's either Hunt or be hunted but one species has managed to stand above the rest with their fears, intelligence, they have become the rulers of this planet as species with nothing to fear but their own HUMANS the unstoppable killing machines, hmm mm! Marvelous humans have existed for quite some time the very first humans began to emerge around six (6) million years ago on the continent now known as Africa, this early humans look more like Apes except now they could walk on two legs instead of four this was a crucial step for human evolution as we now have to spare hands we could really use for other purposes over millions of the Year humans continue to evolve in Africa in species like NEANDERTHALS, HOMO ERECTUS and of course Homo SAPIENS flourished between sixty to eighty thousand years ago Homo SAPIENS began migrating away from Africa in they are now the only surviving species of the "GENUS HOMO".



02 - BLOOD:

The humans blood have lots of it, in fact if you were to take the blood vessels on for human body stretch to mouth into one single long tube, it would kill that person that tube would also be 160,000 kilometers long the lung side quite enormous as well because the inside of a human lung have some extremely complex features combine these features give the human lung in internal surface area of roughly 70 square meters about the size of half of a tennis court this would also kill the human.



03 - STARS:

Carl Sagan once said and I quote, "we are made of star stuff". In while it sounds like something poetic its actually true the elements that make up our bodies came from exploding stars or supernovas but how much of our body is made of stardust? The average human body contains (seven) 7octillion atoms, that's a seven with twenty-seven zeros, now to figure this out we need to go back to the very beginning, "The Big Bang" to be completely honest though, we don't actually know how the universe began or if it had a beginning at all but for the sake of simplicity and a fact that it is the most accepted theory let's go with the Big Bang!, it goes like this: not long after the universe came to be sub-atomic particles assembled into hydrogen and helium the two simplest forms of Atoms, once enough time has passed these two elements clump together and the first-ever stars where born, all the other heavier elements like the iron in your blood came from the stars so all we really need to do is figure out how much hydrogen and helium our bodies contain and then subtract that from (seven) 7octillion, it turns out that we basically have no helium in our body and roughly 4.7Octillion hydrogen atoms, so seven minus 4.7 that gives us 2.3 Octillion Atoms, it came from the stars in other words humans are a little more than 30 percent Stardust.

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04 - GROWTH:

Until life is found elsewhere humanity is the most intelligent civilization in the known universe well we have come a long way in our progress and achievements continue at an ever increasing the rate but in the beginning progress was very slow the use of stone tools first emerged around 2.5 million years ago, the first evidence of controlled fire dates back to 400,000 years ago, compare that to more recent events in it's a completely different story only in the last five thousand years or so humans went from the invention of written language to standing on the New Moon, this should give you an idea of how important this invention really Was, you could now write down your ID's, your knowledge your wisdom and with them in future generations could become just as wise enough in a fraction of the time simply by reading, basically human now have the option to save a load whenever they wanted.




Exercises are crucial activity for humans to stay healthy usually the stronger you are, the better it you will feel to build muscle mass or to get fit you repeat certain motion over and over again to increase your strength the general idea is that you have to move around, or do you? A study from 2007 tested three groups of people for two weeks the first group did nothing outside of their usual routine the second group exercise to one specific muscle three times a week now the third group were given instructions to only imagine doing the same type of exercise as the second group three times a week, the control group put it into anything song no difference the second group who exercised saw 28% (percent) increase in strength, no surprises there but the third group who only imagine exercising, saw 24% (percent) gain in strength almost as much as the group you actually worked out, how or why this works we don't really know.




The “PALMARIS LONGUS”, is seen as a little tendon between the flexor carpi radialis and the flexor carpi ulnaris, despite the fact that it is not generally display. The muscle is missing in around 15 percent of the population, however this number shifts enormously in African, Asian, and Native American population. If this muscle is not present, it does not have an impact on hold or grip strength.

15% (percent) of people are missing the muscle named, "PALMARIS LONGUS", to see if you have its stretch out your hand in touch you pinky with your thumb now by flexing the wrist you should see how thin the muscles right in the middle, if it's not there then you're one of the 15% (percent).



07 - SPEED:

When we think of the fastest creatures on the planet humans usually aren't very high up on that list but when it comes to efficiency and endurance it's a different story in fact over long distances humans can outrun nearly every other animal on the planet our anatomy suggest that millions of years ago running prey to death was a tactic used by primitive man to survive on the African savanna there are many reasons why we are such good long distance runners for example our bodies can sweat to regulate temperature which means we can maintain a faster peace for far longer many animals simply can't do that so once to internal temperature reaches a certain point they are forced to stop or at least slowdown, we can also breathe at a very fast pace compared to many other animals. Basically human bodies are finely tuned running machines.




In the same way that fireflies and deep sea animals glow to illuminate their surroundings and to attract possible mates, humans also glow in the dark human-bioluminescence is a side effect of chemical and metabolic reactions within our bodies in fact all animals emit a small amount of light as a result of this, but the light we emit is a thousand times the weaker than what the human eye can perceive.

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Throughout history humans have been standing up and let me explain, we began as hunters and gatherers we have constantly on our feet it was necessary to our survival and everyday tasks we simply couldn't afford to sit around watching YouTube videos about the dangers of sitting in essence we only sat down if we need to rest and or eat but as technology progressed we became Lazy, we started Siting down a lot more take myself as an example both my job and many of my hobbies require me to sit down for entire days on end, in my defense though I am doing other things to counteract the negativity of siting or so I thought, it turns out that sitting down is a serious risk to your health despite of how much you work out to try to move around the benefits of exercises are heavily outweighed by the negative effects of sitting, it makes you fat increasing the risk of heart-related diseases, higher risk of diabetes gives you severe back and neck problems and makes your bones a lot weaker especially in your leg area when you're sitting but the most alarming fact is that it significantly lowers your life expectancy.

A study that was conducted over an eight-year period reveals that if you're sitting down more than seven (7) hours per day you have a 61% (percent) higher risk of dying compared to people who sit less than two hours per day, researchers say that the only thing you can do to counteract this despite not sitting just working out on the side isn't enough it's the fact that you're sitting down at all it slowly kills you brought to you by someone who definitely didn't spend entire time of writing this article, sitting down.




Promote here the planet looks peaceful this massive sneer is slowly spinning providing everything we need to survive and More it feels so real to think that throughout history deaths was everything this planet was our universe beyond the sky was justice inconceivable to them is beyond the universe as to us, it almost looks indestructible.

Surely nothing is tiny as a human could have any effect on this ground planet we call home for the past forty years the earth has lost Half of its wide life meanwhile in the human population has gone from just under $4 billion to 7.2 billion, if this can convince us that there's something wrong with the way we live that it makes you wonder if anything can, but let's keep going forests cover 31 percent of the land area on this planet the produce vital oxygen and provide homes for millions of unique and exotic animals obviously we need to get rid of that so far be managed to come down half of the forests around the world and we're only getting better and more efficient at it, in other words we are winning it, Wow! Winning, we are also winning against the climate take this nice illustration for example dark blue indicates areas cooler than average in yellow and red indicates how much we are winning and the list could go on for a while and frankly it just gets worse as the yellow and red takes over and we're exposed to water pollution, air pollution, land pollution and as I said previously talked about we are turning our oceans into acid through a process called ocean acidification but the worst part of all of this is why we are doing it and who its benefits we don't really need a more of anything there's enough for everyone to survive and live fairly comfortable lives, in fact just for demonstrations you could fit entire human population into the state of Texas the problem is are our greed, we want more who wants to survive and just live when you can have more than that, it has been estimated that the average American lifestyle requires 24 acres of land at if this was divided equally among everyone we would need to 10 planets essentially we are destroying the only planet we have just because surviving this boring and the short term goal of getting what we want now is a lot more important than any long-term side effects nothing makes this more clear than this, the richest one thousand (1000) individuals in the world now control as much well as the poorest 2.5 billion people on the planet, by 2016 and the wealthiest one percent (1%), will have more than the rest of the entire population combined surely nothing this tiny as a human a could have anything on this grand planet we call home.

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